CLIENT: Georgia Pacific
PROJECT: Quilted Northern Ultra Plush: Stop Wiping. Start Pampering.
YEAR: 2014
MY ROLE: Senior Project Manager
If you really cared about your friend you wouldn’t let them wipe like a barbarian, you would send them a personalized video on Facebook telling them to stop wiping and start pampering with Quilted Northern Ultra Plush, thus saving your friend’s bottom.
I project managed a team of rascally pranksters in the development and delivery of the website redesign, Stop Wiping video shoot, social media app with custom video generator, assets for social platforms, and display and rich media creative to support media plan for Quilted Northern Ultra Plush.
Created project plans and owned delivery from milestones to the final asset delivery. Worked collaboratively with the designers, copywriters, and developers. Defined SOW and resource allocation, clarified scope, procured vendors, implemented change management, prioritized deliverables, got client acceptance, monitored status for performance and budget.
RESULTS: Surpassed 200,000 fan threshold on Facebook
Entry point to create custom video via the website campaign page.
Choose a friend to send your video to.
Loading screen while custom video is generated.
Video complete. Send your video to a friend and receive a coupon.
Share your video on your friend’s wall.
Mobile friendly design.